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Making Memories

Embracing people, cultures and traditions

Guatapé -The Road Less Travelled
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Guatapé -The Road Less Travelled

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In the heart of Colombia’s Antioquia region, the small town of Guatapé is a burst of color against the lush green backdrop of rolling hills and the bluey-green waters of Embalse De Guatape. While many may know this area for the vibrant zócalos and the enormous rock formation, there’s a myriad of other wonderful things to discover in this picturesque destination.

A wall decorated with colourful facades is a typical scene in Guatape

A wall decorated with colourful facades somewhere in Guatape

The Quiet Charms of Calle de Los Recuerdos

Away from the central plaza, there’s a peaceful street known as Calle de Los Recuerdos, or “Memory Lane.” This tranquil corner offers a more subdued experience of the town’s famous zócalos, perfect for those looking to enjoy the artistry without the bustle of the main tourist areas. Here, the quaint cafés and artisan shops offer a more personal glimpse into the lives of the townspeople.

The Hidden History of the Reservoir

Cruz De Penol: The Old Penol cross marks the spot where the old Penol temple was located prior to the flooding of the area

Cruz De Penol: The Old Penol cross marks the spot where the old Penol temple was located pre-flood

The Guatapé reservoir, created in the 1970s, is not just a stunning body of water for recreation. It also has a submerged story – literally. The construction of the dam flooded large areas, including the old town of Peñol. While the new town was built beside the reservoir, the remnants of the old town lie beneath the water, a poignant reminder of the past that many visitors are unaware of.

The Secret of the Stone

El Peñol De Guatape, the towering monolith that stands sentinel over the region, has a lesser-known sibling. While not as massive or accessible, the smaller rock formation known as El Peñolcito offers a similar climb with a fraction of the visitors. Adventurous souls looking for a quieter ascent can enjoy panoramic views of Guatapé without the crowds.

The Spiritual Side of Guatapé

The town’s spiritual heritage is often overlooked by the casual visitor. The Church of Our Lady of Carmen, with its striking Gothic architecture, is a serene sanctuary amidst the color-splashed streets. Inside, the beautiful stained glass and intricate woodwork provide a contemplative counterpoint to the exuberant exteriors of the town’s buildings.

The Unseen Artisans of Guatapé

While the zócalos are the most visible testament to the town’s artistic flair, many of Guatapé’s craftspeople work behind the scenes. From the weavers of traditional textiles to the makers of small-scale zócalos for tourists to take home, these artisans are the guardians of the town’s creative spirit. Visiting their workshops or attending a local craft fair offers a deeper appreciation of the art and skill that shape Guatapé’s identity.

Strolling guitarist serenade while enjoying delicious Colombian cuisine

Guatapé is a town that delights not only in its kaleidoscopic facades but also in the hidden corners and understated stories that give it depth and resonance.

A visit here is an invitation to explore beyond the well-trodden path and discover the subtle hues that add to the town’s invigorating tapestry.

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A travel enthusiast uncovering diverse cultures and traditions, across the Americas, Oceana, Asia and beyond.
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